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Woodbury students collect $844.73 for relief in Haiti

Holiday Penny Wars at Woodbury Elementary netted $844.73 for the Red Cross and its efforts in Haiti.

Grade levels competed in the Penny War to earn the most points. Pennies earned points and silver coins (nickels, dimes, quarters) deducted points. Each day Woodbury business partner Lennox Community Credit Union helped to count change and sort between pennies and other coins.

First grade won the Penny War with 1,331 points. Second place went to preschool, followed by kindergarten, fourth grade, third grade and second grade. A check for $844.73 was presented to Kim Trowbridge from the Red Cross during an assembly on Dec. 21.

Trowbridge told the students the money raised would build nearly four homes in Haiti.

Woodbury also took time on Tuesday to thank Lennox Community Credit Union for their support of the Penny War. Representatives from LCCU then surprised Woodbury with a donation of new books for the school library.