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Retiring staff honored at spring tea


Anson Elementary School teachers Amber Litwiller, right, and Tara Klaas, left, gave a farewell speech to Meg Sponseller during the retirement tea on May 20, which honored retiring staff members in the Marshalltown Community School District.

The Marshalltown Education Association and the Marshalltown Community School District held the spring retirement tea on May 20, honoring retiring staff and others.

The list of retirees included Donna Appel, Teresa Arney, Deanna Berkey, Dennis Carkhuff, Betty Lou Cave, Susan Crawford, Shari Cox, Tim Fienup, Judy Hill, Ronald Holden, Ginger Jacobson, Donna Mimick, Lynette Pickett, Carol Sealine, Rick Simpson, Thelma Smith, Meg Sponseller, Cindy Staron, Bruce Vopava and Randall Weir.

“Your legacy is truly huge,” MCSD Superintendent Dr. Marvin Wade told the retirees at the event.

Six current staff members were honored for 25 years in the district including Barbara Arends, Sharon Baughman, Shelly Chandler, Elaine Crouse, Jerry Flathers and Elaine Johnson.

The MEA Scholarship recipients this year were MHS graduating students Libby Crawford and Hunter Riedl.

The Marshalltown Business Education Alliance won the Friend of Education Award, and accepting the award on behalf of the alliance was Iowa Valley Community College District Chancellor Dr. Chris Duree and Paul Gregoire of Emerson.


Paula Johnson talks about fellow Miller teacher Tim Fienup.


Jodi Kolbe talks about fellow Rogers teacher Carol Sealine.


Paula Johnson talks about Randy Weir


Michael Appel talks about his mom, Donna Appel.


Dee Burt, center, and Janice Appelgate, left, talk about Cindy Staron.


MHS students Libby Crawford and Hunter Riedl received the MEA Scholarships.