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MHS Project Lead The Way gains national certification


Marshalltown High School Project Lead The Way Engineering teacher Mike Lazere, center, is pictured with students Nicholas Summers, left, and Jose Garcia with their robotics project at the school this past spring. MHS has received national certification for the Project Lead the Way Engineering and Biomedical Science programs.

Marshalltown High School has recently received national certification status for the Project Lead The Way Biomedical Science and Engineering programs at the school.

The certification process involved the completion of a self-study report and a visit by Iowa PLTW representatives to classes as well as having them meet with teachers, counselors, school leaders and partnership team members.

The national certification indicates MHS has successfully demonstrated a commitment to the PLTW national standards.

“We passed with flying colors,” said MHS PLTW Engineering teacher Mike Lazere.

Other Project Lead The Way teachers at MHS include Erica Malloy and Sue Ellen Beek while Lydia Arevalo serves as the PLTW counselor at the school.

Marshalltown Schools Superintendent Dr. Marvin Wade thanked the dedicated staff, students, parents and community leaders who made this prestigious certification possible.  Wade stated, “this is the latest of many examples of Marshalltown implementing high quality educational programs that meet the needs of our students and community.  Continued aggressive pursuit of these pre-kindergarten through 12th grade opportunities will remain a priority in Marshalltown Schools.”

The 2015-16 school year is the third year for the Biomedical Science and Engineering PLTW programs at MHS, a school that has been a trailblazer in the state in Project Lead The Way and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) curriculum.

PLTW, a nonprofit organization, offers a rigorous world-class curriculum that allows students to apply what they are learning in math and science class to real-life activities, projects and problems. By achieving this certification status, MHS students in PLTW may be eligible for preferential college admissions, college credit, scholarships or other opportunities.