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Miller art students tour MHS studios


Marshalltown High School art teacher Rebecca Erickson gives a tour of one of the art studios at MHS to visiting eighth grade students from Miller Middle School recently.

Eighth grade art students from Miller Middle School visited Marshalltown High School recently to get a peak at what their future would hold if they continue in visual arts.

While there, the group toured the art studios at MHS and heard from art teachers Rebecca Erickson, Wade Judge and Kirk Niehouse.

The trip was intended to help middle school students become aware of the variety of classes they can register for and what prerequisites are required to take the art classes.


Baily Miller

“The middle school students were excited about visiting the high school and started discussing what classes they want to take,” said Miller art teacher Baily Miller. “Since eighth grade is the last time students are required to take a visual art class, I really want to try to push them to continue their art education when they reach the high school.”