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MHS student participates in UNI minority educators academy


Marshalltown High School student Stephanie Sanchez is pictured with MHS Principal Jacque Wyant at the University of Northern Iowa’s Minority Educators for Today and Tomorrow academy, which was held June 18 to 22.

Marshalltown High School student Stephanie Sanchez participated in the University of Northern Iowa’s Minority Educators for Today and Tomorrow academy from June 18 to 22.

During this weeklong workshop, Stephanie traveled to an elementary school to work with students, examined her confidence in helping others to learn and established a plan to further her desire to become a teacher.

All participants earned a $500 scholarship from UNI. Terri Lasswell, head of the UNI Department of Teaching, led the program. Also in attendance at the program was MHS Principal Jacque Wyant.

Stephanie will be a senior this fall at MHS.