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MHS students bound for All-State Music Festival


Marshalltown High School All-State Music Festival qualifiers are pictured. Front row, from left, Olivia Stone, Luke Wymore, Benjamin Harris and Skylar Lindeman. Back row, Hadley Wagner, Lucas Thiessen, Eli Thiessen and Kassandra Wilkins.

Several Marshalltown High School students have been selected for the 2017 Iowa All-State Music Festival, which will be held November 16-18 at Iowa State University.

Qualifying for the all-state chorus were Hadley Wagner, Kassandra Wilkins, Lucas Thiessen and Eli Thiessen (alternate). Qualifying for the all-state band were Olivia Stone (bass clarinet), Benjamin Harris, (alto saxophone), Luke Wymore (alternate, bari saxophone) and Skylar Lindeman (alternate, B-flat clarinet).

Wagner, Wilkins, Lucas Thiessen and Stone are two-time all-state qualifiers. All four two-time qualifiers said it took daily rehearsal work outside of the school day to qualify.

“It’s nice to get recognition for working so hard,” Wilkins said.

Stone said she looks forward to playing in a group of the state’s best players. All qualified at the auditions held on October 21 at Hampton-Dumont High School. The All-State Festival concert will be at 7:30 p.m. on November 18 in Hilton Coliseum at Iowa State University.