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Donation made to Franklin Elementary School in honor of former teacher


A donation of $600 was made to Franklin Elementary School in honor of a former teacher, the late Ann Jass. Pictured are, front row, from left, Barb Vovos, Franklin students Cayde Boydstun, Caisha Dailey and Vicente Rodriguez. Back row, Franklin teacher librarian Jodi Duffy, Franklin Principal Tim Holmgren and Glenda Barton.

Friends and former co-workers of the late Ann Jass made a donation in her honor at the place where she impacted so many youth.

A donation of $600 was made to Franklin Elementary School in Ann’s honor from the group. Ann taught at Franklin from the late 1960s through 1996 and passed away last month. Former Franklin teachers Barb Vovos and Glenda Barton presented the donation to Franklin staff and students on April 9.

“Many of us taught with Ann and we wanted to do something in her memory as a contribution to the school,” Vovos said.

The money will be utilized in the school’s library.  

“Teaching at Franklin was Ann’s passion and we are thrilled to do this,” Vovos said.