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MHS students compete in Tech Fair, IT-Olympics

Tech Group

Marshalltown High School students competed in the Central Iowa Tech Fair at Iowa State University on May 6. Pictured in the front row, from left, are purple ribbon winners Sumeet Panchal, Ryan McDaniel and Jack Kester. In the back row are blue ribbon winners, Joseph Anguiano, Lucas Thiessen, Jill Podhajsky, Lucas Duff, Kanin Mann and Daytona Sorlaesith.

Students in the Extended Learning Program from Marshalltown High School competed in the Central Iowa Tech Fair on May 6 at Iowa State University. Students brought their technology-related projects to share with each other and to be judged in different categories.

Earning purple ribbons (the highest honor) from MHS were Sumeet Panchal in the programming category for his game “You Sunk my Battleship,” Jack Kester in the innovative use of technology category for his electronic drums and Ryan McDaniel in the music and sound design category for his creation “Cinetronic.”

Other students awarded with blue ribbons (the second highest honor) from MHS were Lucas Duff, Lucas Thiessen, Jill Podhajsky, Kanin Mann, Daytona Sorlaesith and Joseph Anguiano.


Extended learning students also competed in the recent IT-Olympics at Iowa State.

An App development team of Jacob Ramsey-Smith, Sumeet Panchal and Jack Kester placed fifth out of 30 teams at the event and the cyber-defense team of Collin Krukow, Tim Potter, Jonathan Ortega, Stefan Jackson and Sam Turner placed 12th out of 30 teams.

IT Group

This group of students from Marshalltown High School competed in the IT-Olympics last month at Iowa State University. Pictured are, front row, from left, Stefan Jackson, Collin Krukow, Sumeet Panchal and Jonathan Ortega. Back row, Jacob Ramsey-Smith, Jack Kester, Zane Hala (mentor), Sam Turner and Tim Potter.