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Swim coach receives 20 year service award from state


Marshalltown High School girls swim coach Angie Nelson received a 20 year service award from the Iowa High School Swim Coaches Association at the state swim meet in Marshalltown on November 4. (Photo by Anne Vance)

Marshalltown High School girls swim coach Angie Nelson was honored by the Iowa High School Swim Coaches Association with a service award for reaching 20 years in coaching at the recent state swim meet in Marshalltown.

Nelson started coaching as an assistant at Boone High School in 1997 and coached at multiple stops before taking over the head coaching job at MHS after legendary coach Linda Bloom passed away in 2011. Nelson is appreciative of what Bloom taught her when she served under her as an assistant for two years.

“I am so lucky I had the opportunity to work with her and many others along my way,” Nelson said.

Nelson said swimming has been a big part of her life, both as an athlete and as an adult through the years.

“I have been so very fortunate to work with some amazing coaches, people and athletes in my time. I’m so thankful for the opportunities and experiences I’ve been given,” Nelson said. “I’m very appreciative of the families and girls we’ve had in our Bobcat program.  Swimming isn’t easy, but those things that are worth it, seldom are.”