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Miller FIRST Lego League Robotics team qualifies for state competition

The FIRST Lego League Robotics regional champions, the Waterboys, will compete at the Jan. 28 state championship! Pictured, from left: Aiden Holmgren, Gavin Freiberg, Jaden Schwartz, James Marquess, Garrett Thede, Aidan Boozell, Oliver Young, and Miller XLP teacher Ann Jackson. Not pictured: Logan Bailey.

The Miller Middle School Waterboys FIRST Lego League Robotics team were crowned champions at their regional competition earlier this month. Now they set their sights on the state-level contest, which is set for Saturday, Jan. 28 at Iowa State University in Ames.

The Waterboys, true to their name, chose to tackle hydroelectric power generation as their area of focus for this year’s project. We look forward to cheering them on at state!